This series is based on the book Bring It Out by Ben Pilgreen.


If you want to step into your God giving calling and assignment…if you want to know what God has sent you to this earth to do, it would help to get to know what this God is like. What does he value? What are his desires? How does he communicate with us?


 While it is crucial you get to know the God who made you, it is also essential you get to know the you this God has made.

Download this worksheet to:

  • Increase Your Self Awareness

  • Know Your Passions

  • Know Your Natural Abilities

Other assessments to discover more about yourself:


Scripture teaches that every Christian has at least one spiritual gift.

  • Discover your Spiritual Gifts here.

  • Read more about the gifts the Holy Spirit gives: Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4:11-13. 

As you discover your gifts you can begin to experiment by deploying and developing them in your life. 

And remember, a spiritual gift is operating properly when we are not manufacturing it on our own, but allowing God to form and produce something in us by way of His Holy Spirit. 


“We've always believed that the place God calls us to is the place where our deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet. Stepping into the world of foster care has been one of the most beautiful gifts for our family. By learning to dream with God, we've found ourselves in a space where joy and healing and relationships collide.” - Evan & Alicia Barnhart

“In college, I felt a clear calling to use the gifts God gave me to write and share real, meaningful stories. That calling led me to pursue a degree in journalism and eventually a career in broadcast news, where I had the privilege of telling stories that mattered. While I no longer work in that field, the passion for writing and sharing authentic stories—especially those that glorify God—has never left me. That’s why it’s been such a joy for my husband (also formerly a reporter) and I to partner with Coffee + Crumbs to tell the incredible stories of women who overcame unimaginable hardship in their journeys to motherhood. It’s a beautiful reminder that God’s gifts are enduring, and His timing is always perfect.” - Julie Vlahon

“It fills my soul when I am able to help those in need. How can you get closer to God than to serve the least of these? Were I ever in such need, it would be such a blessing that someone would be willing to help me out.” (Matthew 25: 37-40) John Tessman

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